77+ Daughter Quotes From Mom & Dad About Proud Parents

Happy Lives 360
6 min readDec 9, 2022


People like to share many quotes about daughters on social media. Especially when adopting a daughter or becoming a mother for the first time, it is common for parents to look for inspiration through quotes to help them soothe their emotions and concerns about changing their lives forever.

When you find yourself looking for those perfect words, here are the best daughter quotes to give you some guidance and support — quotes from beloved celebrities, mothers who have experience raising daughters, and characters who just want to impart some wisdom!

There’s nothing like a daughter’s love. It’s strong and fierce, yet gentle and kind. It’s the perfect balance of strength and softness. And it’s something that we should all cherish.

As parents, we often find ourselves sayings things to our daughters like, “You’re going to be just like me when you grow up.” But the truth is, we want them to be better than us. We want them to have more success, happiness, and love than we could imagine. And it all starts with loving them unconditionally — just as they are.

Here are some beautiful daughter quotes perfectly capture that unique blend of love and strength that only a daughter can give. Read on to see which ones resonate with you most.

I Love My Daughter Quotes

  • “My daughter is my best friend, and I love her more than anything in the world.” — Unknown.
  • “The minute I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.” — Winnie the Pooh.
  • “A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.” — Unknown.
  • “My daughter makes me laugh. She brightens up my day. No matter what happens in my life, she always knows how to make me smile.” — Unknown.
  • “My daughter is the sunshine of my life.” — Theodore Roosevelt.
  • “There’s nothing like a hug from my daughter to make me feel better.” — Princes Diana.
  • “Having a daughter makes you realize how much you miss your mother and how much she loved you” — Unknown.
  • “What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than to have a child who grows up to be a good human being?” — Rose Kennedy
  • “Daughters are like flowers; they fill the world with beauty, and sometimes with thorns too.” — Unknown.
  • “No matter how old she may sometimes be, she will always be your little girl…and that is one of the loveliest things about mothers and daughters!” -Unknown.

Daughter Quotes From Father/Dad

Dads are amazing. They’re always there for you when you need them, and they love you unconditionally. Their love is so strong and powerful that it can sometimes be overwhelming. But that’s what makes their love so special.

And when it comes to daughters, dads have a very special relationship with them. Daughters are the apple of their father’s eye, always striving to make them proud. They want their daughters to grow up to be strong, confident women who can achieve anything they set their minds.

So it’s no surprise that fathers often have wonderfully wise things to say about their daughters. Here are a few of the most beautiful daughter quotes from fathers out there.

  • “A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.”-Shannon L. Alder
  • “The influence of a daughter’s love lives on.” -Unknown.
  • “Daughters are like flowers. They bring beauty and joy into our lives.” — Unknown.
  • “The best thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother.” -Elisabeth Elliot.
  • “When your daughters were born, they brought with them the surprise of the sun on a cloudy day.” — George Eliot.
  • “Having a daughter makes you realize that your life is not your own anymore.” — Unknown.
  • “My dad always told me that I could do anything I wanted in life.. so long as I was happy doing it.”- Zoey Deutch.
  • “There’s nothing like seeing your little girl smile back at you when you give her what she needs. Most fathers want their daughters to be happy. We need to realize that often what our daughters need most from us is not happiness, but our undivided attention.” — Michael Gurian.
  • “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides.

Daughter Quotes From Mother/Mom

There’s nothing like a mother’s love for her daughter. When they meet, mothers and daughters share a special unbreakable bond. Throughout their lives, this bond continues to grow stronger and deeper.

A mother’s love is always there, no matter what happens. They are always there to offer support, encouragement, and love. They are always there to provide a shoulder to cry on when needed. A mother’s love is truly one of the greatest gifts in life.

Daughters often look up to their mothers as role models. They learn from them how to be strong, independent women. They also learn from them how to give and receive love unconditionally. Mothers and daughters share a special relationship filled with trust, respect, and unconditional love.

  • “A daughter is a day brightener and a heartwarmer.”-Unknown.
  • “The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”-Audrey Hepburn.
  • “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.”-Catherine Pulsifer.
  • “A mom’s hug lasts long after she lets go.”-Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper.
  • “‘Mommy. I’m. Sorry.’ Three of the hardest words for a mother to say, but they are the ones that matter most.” From The Forgiveness Project
  • “Daughters are little girls that grow up to be your best friend.” — Unknown.
  • “Having a daughter makes you want to be a better man.” Denzel Washington
  • My mother always told me that I was different and special and not to let anyone tell me differently. And now, as an adult, I really understand what she meant. She told me not to let anyone bully me into thinking I wasn’t good enough… smart enough… or pretty enough. Elaina Marie
  • Mothers and daughters share a special bond unlike any other. They are best friends, confidantes, and advisors. They laugh together, cry together, and grow together. Their relationship is one of the most beautiful things in life.

Daughter Quotes From Parents

There is nothing as pure and innocent as the love between a parent and child. The bond is unbreakable, and the love is unconditional. From the moment our children are born, we are filled with immense love for them. We would do anything to keep them safe and happy.

For me, my daughter is the greatest blessing in my life. She brings me so much joy and happiness. I am so grateful for her, and I cherish every moment we spend together. She is my everything, and I would be lost without her.

I often find myself thinking about her when she’s not with me. I miss her smile, her laughter, and just hearing her voice. I can’t wait to see her again and tell her how much I love her. My daughter is the light of my life, and I am so blessed to be her mother.

  • “The highest compliment anyone can give me is to say that I’m like my daughter.” — Maya Angelou.
  • “A daughter is someone you laugh with, hope with, and dream with. Someone who fills your heart with happiness and makes even your sorrows seem sweet.” — Unknown
  • “The love between a father and daughter is forever.” — Unknown.
  • “A father’s love for his daughter is like nothing else in the world.” — Unknown.
  • “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides.
  • “I am not a perfect person by any means. I am far from it. But I try to live my life so that I would be proud of my children if they turned out just like me.” — Shannon Alder.
  • “I took my daughter to the hospital yesterday, and I cried like a baby myself because I realized that she will always be my little girl, no matter how old she gets or how tall she becomes.” — unknown.
  • “Daughters are not just for Christmas; they are for life.” — Unknown.
  • “Having a daughter makes you see things in a different light… Through her eyes, through her thoughts, and through her dreams… You finally get what human being is all about.” — Jodi Picoult.
  • “A daughter’s first love is her father.

Originally published at https://happylives360.com on December 9, 2022.



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